Originally Posted by Novaguy73
This is why im going to try and replace my own floors, rockers, cab corners and mounts. Im going to fill in the trim holes, smooth everything out and after im done with that its gettin a POR 15 job underneath and getting a quick primer black or Grey quick job. I dont understand how somone can afford 5-10,000 for body work and paint, granted im 23, broke, and saving for a house...
I can't afford 5-10K either. I was making a house payment while mine was in the shop. You figure out what you can do without. That was 14mos of not going out NO beer and a lot of Ramen Noodles and peanut butter

. There were times that I hated my truck and the people I had working on it. I have just always had the attitude that if I couldn't afford what I wanted, I worked some overtime or an odd job and saved my money for what I wanted. As they say "where there's a will, there's a way".