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Old 01-11-2006, 07:41 PM   #28
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Re: What Supercharger should I buy????

Originally Posted by bskylerj
71Dragtruck, I am running 10.1:1. I have it set up with the 8lb. pulley for now. I am just finishing up the supercharger and a long list of other items. I am hoping to have it running and dyno it this weekend. I have some wiring for my new gauges to complete. If not this weekend it will be next. I just got the motor together before labor day. I drove it around for a week ( about 100 miles) and then ran it at the labor day drags here in Spokane, WA. I ran 12.90 on 26 x 8.50 slicks I borrowed from my friend. I just ordered some bigger slicks for this year. It should run better when it breaks in. My friend that has the dyno and help me put this together along with the guys at the supercharger store and procharger say with my motor and supercharger it should be around 700 horsepower and high 10's. With my set up they said I can run up to 12lbs of boost without hurting the motor. I am also running the MSD boost retard system and a methonal injection to help it run cooler. I am guessing you will be in the same area with your new motor? What gears and rear end are you running? Are you going to have to put a cage in your truck to race this year? I love the looks of you GMC. I am glad to see more of these trucks going fast.
First sorry for highjacking your thread bglad420. I am running a 12 bolt with Richmond 4:10's, Eaton posi, Moser axels, LPW brace, and welded tubes. I see a roll bar in my future, I'm going to run it as is and see what it runs, if it's over I'll de-tune ( that sounds funny to say ) it to run legal, and cage it when I can. I'm almost positive I won't be using my nitrous, I'm thinking it's going to run low 11's now, just by what it ran with the old motor. You got a sweet looking setup, keep me posted on how you make out, feel free to PM me.
Speed is just a matter of money, question is how fast can you afford to go?
8.95@148.97mph all motor haven't tried bottle yet
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