Thread: Newb Truck Pics
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Old 01-11-2006, 08:20 PM   #1
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Newb Truck Pics

Hey guys,
I have asked for some advice on a few things on the board and wanted to show you my truck. Redid it in highschool about 5 years ago. Now I am a broke college kid who couldn't keep up with it. It looks nice, but there are plenty of parts i hope to improve on in the future. I has a built 350 (a little over 300 horse),true dual 2.5" exhaust with x-pipe, 700-R4 tranny, 12 bolt open differential, 3.43 gears, 15" rally rims with 275/60/15's, original interior except for dash cover, seat cover, and carpet. 5 years have already added some "character" and more cancer has already set it. Just more work when i finally graduate and get a job.

One cool thing i did this christmas break was build speaker pods for my kick panels. There are some pics below.

I appreciate any help you guys have given me and the help you will probably give me in the future.
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