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Old 01-15-2006, 09:00 PM   #4
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Re: Is this your Rig?

Originally Posted by wibilly
i seen a homade job using atv tracks like that last week it was a homeade frame using all subaru running gear. it was very finely crafted. i was abel to talk with one of the owners he said they had built it for thier ice shack rental bussiness and he liked it because it had power stearing. he said them tracks on his atv made it almost impossable to steer unless in a swamp. i belive they would be very hard on steering componets and frame at steering box unless it was all beefed up looks like they would go through the sh!t though.
Do you think it would be so hard to stear if the front axle was not a drive axle? Its hard to tell but it looks kind of like the front of this truck does not have a diff on it. what do you see?
Thank you,
Mr. Rico

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