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Old 01-15-2006, 11:37 PM   #3
4 eyed fever
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Re: Price check on a 4x4

Without more info it's pretty tough to say. "Solid" to a seller may mean "rusted out POS to a buyer." Options count for a lot, also. Tilt,tach,posi,a/c....Give it a good exam. Crawl under it and check for rust, and fluid leaks. Brakes,tires, exhaust,etc can add up in a hurry.
Good drivable low optioned truck without a lot of rust...I'd say $2500 would be a great buy, and up from there depending on options and condition. But I wouldn't be afraid to spend more if it's clean and what you're looking for.
Good luck and let us know what happens.
1971 GMC 2500 4x4
1972 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 t 4x4-#1 son's truck. Recently completed resto.

4 YO daughter," Daddy, I like your truck better than Mom's." (2000 F350-ranch truck) Smart kid!!
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