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Old 01-18-2006, 06:27 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Katy, TX (Houston)
Posts: 73
Stuff left over for my wrecked 72

I had a bunch of stuff for future use but the truck was totaled so here it is. All prices are for pickup in Katy, TX (Houston Area) or add shipping.

Cab patch panels fro GMCPauls. New in the box, never opened:

OE Rocker Panel, Left
OE Rocker Panel, Right
Cab Corner, Right

The two rockers are boxed together, $20 for both and $10 for the cab corner. ***SOLD***

Headlight switch, new in box (knob not included), $5 ***sold***

I have a couple of rally wheels, used condition, including one center cap, $15, local only

Used tailgate in good shape, was removed incorrectly so the little angle pieces that complete the circle for each hinge were taken off at the spot welds, $10, local only ***sold***

2 stock hubcaps with the fake lug nuts around the outside edge, $15 for both, might ship if I can find a box and packing material.

Prothane sway bar bushing set, NIB, $10 ***sold***

set of window felt for both windows, NIB $10 ***sold***

Brake light switch, new in box ( ended up putting on a different style to support my lockup converter), NIB, $2 *** sold***

Edelbrock alum. waterpump for small block, appears new, bought off ebay. $40 (the box says 8811 but the pump is an 8810, short) ****sale pending***

All offers will be considered. I only log on here occassionally so email at might work better.

I may dig up some more stuff, if so I'll post it.

Last edited by YellowMenace; 01-25-2006 at 10:44 PM.
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