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Old 01-20-2006, 08:15 PM   #1
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Question Need Help With The Me Your Trucks!

ok, here's the story. getting ready to restore the old girl, and i'm gonna do it right this time. problem is the wife...not that she's not into it. in fact, she's too into it, so i'm asking for help.

i would like to restore the truck for pleasure, not the show circuit. this means i want the truck to look like it just rolled off the showroom floor, but i want 33 years of technological advances at my disposal.

she wants the truck restored to the same condition, minus any upgrades. she believes that a stock truck is absolutely the bee's knees. herein lies the problem. she doesn't think that the truck can be upgraded in a fashion that retains it stock appearance.

obviously, safety upgrades are a must, but need not interfere with appearance, ie: disc brakes added to the rear, and perhaps larger calipers all around - this is a no brainer.

but...and this is where you guys come in, if you've actually read this far, i would like to show her some pics of trucks that have had modern conveniences put in, but still appear stock. i need to prove to her that it's possible (she's not a gearhead, and my explaining just won't do.)

i'm talking about things like Putter's windshield wiper modules, engine bays, wheels, ride quality improvements (while still appearing stock) and, a subject of great soreness between us, upgraded comfort stock-style seats. i currently have a very comfy seat that isn't stock, and she hates it (she never had the pleasure of riding on the original for ten years!)

any help?

anyone sympathize?

Last edited by cstanley; 01-20-2006 at 08:17 PM.
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