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Old 03-20-2002, 11:52 PM   #19
L.E.D. Freak
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Ok all though I don't want to support Terrorists.

Love me or hate me I don't care where we get the oil as long as gas prices go down. I must put 93 octane in my Blazer, and it's 1.40! It's rediculus.

I also noticed something know one brought up here. Do you remember what happened a hour after the 911? I'll clue you in, people not thinking not using common sense all rushed to the gas station, and most stations where out of gas in a day! And it took only 1/2 hour for most stations to catch on and jack prices way up.

Be honist you or someone you know went out and got in lines 1/4mile long to get gas just because, We as Americans are programmed from babies to be followers. TV tells us what to believe, what to wear, and what good morals are.

Next everyone is missing to mention is the Flag Frensy! Did any one stop and take into consideration how many billions in taxs our government has made on the sales of flag stickers, and other US products?

Also everyone is doging imported stuff, we get money exporting creating jobs here, so whats the difference? It works both ways people.

Next that hardly anyone take into consideration is are rights being taken away from us all the time, with unconstitional laws. First they took away are gold, then they gave us gold notes, then they took them away, and gave us the money we use now, then in 1964 they started making fake coins. And have any of you stopped to really look at a "AMERICAN" dollar bill. Take one out and look at the back right now. L@@K!

Ok thats messed up Let me explain, the back of the bill is a Pyrmid of Eygpt. With whats called the ALL SEEING EYE on top seperated from the pyrmid this sibolizes A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Also why would a Pyrmid be on a US dollar bill? See any in the US??? NO! Also what's up with the funky writing? I can't read it? Can you? Speak damn english please!

Also there is a direct contradiction on the dollar bill. It's sickening when you think about it. Eygiptions where pagons, didn't believe in Jesus or the Bible, they inslaved millions, of Isralites. And then what do your read on the Front? It's ok it's english! IN GOD WE TRUST!

Yet we don't allow prayer in schools, or bibles, and our US money says IN god we trust? UM somethings a miss wouldn't you say?? And when the attacks happened our government and leaders paused for a moment of silence, and bowed there heads? So did they is school. Um either we're going to be one way or the other. Whats up??

Also many won't believe this next part, but do you all know that US isn't even owned by US citizens? No Your money says Federal Reserve note. Thats refering to over seas bank, and investors, possibly oil companies. Some believe also theres no Gold left in Fort Nox. Why do you think the Gulf War happened? Oil reasons

Well by book is done. Sorry.

Beleive it or Not. LOL

1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi/NOS. Power is nothing without control!
Specializing in Custom L.E.D. inserts.
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1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi, err & Custom L.E.D. inserts! LOL
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