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Old 01-23-2006, 12:29 PM   #9
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Re: Weekend Progress Anyone?

Took the trash to the dump, on the way home noticed the truck filling like it was slowing down on its own, just before pulling into the driveway I put it into nuetral to let it coast and she came to a stop on her own, Parked it, jacked it up, removed the tires then the brake calipers and told my wife I was headed to advance and she told me that I should take a cot and sleep up there. She also needed the belts replaced on her car so I did that, what a PITA, Next day went and got my calipers replaced them and today I preassure washed 34 years of grease and dirt off from under the truck. Also took the kids to the circuss on saturday and was still told I wasn't spending enough time with the family.
1972 chevy cheyenne 10,nothing special at the moment,Its a work in progress, Working on the engine, paint and body,engine, paint and body,now its the suspenion, ahh hell I'm about tired of working on it. Maybe it will be a rat rod.
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