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Old 09-17-2002, 11:00 PM   #1
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Location: Buckley, WA
Posts: 22
Cool '67 GMC Need to get rid of!!

If your interested there is a '67 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 complete truck with a bad body. The guy is looking to get rid of it sometime this weekend. Its located on Rodondo Beach near Federalway, WA. It has a V6 (something like an industrial?? not sure on this), power steering, not sure if Power Brakes, it had tranny trouble is the reason it got parked (again not sure on the details). I believe you could pick it up cheap not sure. He asked if I wanted it, I'll probably kick myself for saying no, but I just don't have the room or time to work on it, too many projects. I told him I'd post on here and see if anyone was interested.
Just email me and I'll pass on his phone #

'67 K10 350, 4spd, Rockwell, 3.73's
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