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Old 01-30-2006, 09:57 PM   #1
Keith Wilks
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 19
1972 C.K. 10 4x4 Power -vs- Gas Mileage

Due to the high fuel cost of late I have been thinking about my next engine / trans. replacement for my old 4x4 and how that affects the amount of fuel it will use. When I got the truck in the early 90's it had the original engine(350) and I replaced this with a new 350 crate engine in 1995. The power plant has always seemed under powered and I get approx. 6-8 m.p.g. using the Edelbrock 4 barrell qaudrajet which is like the one that originally came on it.

Does anyone have suggestions concerning an engine / trans./ carb. etc. upgrade that would increase horse power and save fuel? I don't know that this is even possible with this old 4 x 4 ? I have toyed with the idea of the 350 H.O. crate engine with an Edlebrock fuel injection carburetor, but don't know if this would improve anythng? There are so many other ways to go and I am sure someone has found something that works.
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