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Old 01-31-2006, 12:04 AM   #8
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Fayetteville, NC
Posts: 187
Re: Windshild wiper Pump

Let me back up and give you guys a little more info. The washer system was FUBAR to start with. I replaced the hoses and took off the reservoir to check the motor. The motor was rusted into and came out in pieces. I went to the Zone and got a new one which did not work when I hooked it up. I returned it and instead changed my rear end dope. Meanwhile I tried troubleshooting the problem. I first got no voltage whatsoever at the plug for the motor, I traced them back to the junction block on the firewall. I took it off and cleaned it the best I could with electrical connector cleaner. I put it back on and now I am getting a constant 12 V on the white wire. Whether I check the white and the red or if I just check the white and ground out on the block. When I hit the washer switch, voltage drops a little but not much.

I may be screwed up here, but shouldn't voltage be present only when you hit the switch? I'm lost in the sauce.

Oh BTW it's an 85 model.

Last edited by Army_Dude; 01-31-2006 at 12:06 AM.
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