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Old 02-01-2006, 07:00 PM   #4
A guy with a truck
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Re: Where to buy lowering kit?

1) a)Belltech and others sell the flip kit. Try You will have more luck searching for a kit for 73-87. Same axle tube diameter. Try the 73-87 parts board, you can find one once in a while for sale. Got mine for $40 shipped(Thanks Fletch).

b)Included parts look like this: (minus the leaves and mounting hangers of course.)

c) Just support the truck by the frame, place jack under rear pumpkin, remove u-bolts brake lines etc., remove the rear shackle thru bolts, place axle on top of springs, bolt it back together with supplied brackets.

2) Stays where it is.

3) Don't need to move them, but will help ride quality. Either move crossmember back, or fabricate one. gets the shocks back close to vertical. Use the proper length shocks.

4) No. You will definitely need to trim the bumpstops or install shorter ones though.

5) Exactly. Best way to go by far.

6) Not bad if you've done it before. Plan a FULL day if you haven't, maybe two. There are many posts on this or google spring/spindle replacement. Just be careful of the spring assembly. Lots of potential energy there waiting to jump out and bite you.

7) Many people run this exact combo= no issues. 3" spindles may give you some grief.

8) Should be less grief. You may get contact with the top of the center crossmember where the carrier bearing used to be. Then again you may not. A lot of people flip the crossmember putting the clearanced area at the top. Not a big deal but a pain with the body in place.

9) Much easier than with coils. No track bar to deal with. Go to a shop with a drive on lift so the suspension isn't drooping when they weld it up. Gives a much better idea of the amount of clearance.

I say go for it. You will at least learn something from the deal. Since your truck is already a bare frame, you don't have to worry about down time. Take your time and reap the benefits and satisfaction of doing it yourself.. -Chris

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