The federal reserves are owned by large national banks and state banks. In a way they can be considered owned by overseas banks as some of these national banks that are here are from overseas and they own some of the federal reserve banks. There are a total of 12 federal reserve banks in the US. Congress violated the constitution and gave the fed the right to print money at no interest. They create the money from nothing(as there is nothing backing the money, i.e. gold or silver) and then loans it back to us through banks and collects interest in which it pays its shareholders. Another thing that is shady is when banks require your fingerprint for cashing checks. All checks that are written in the US are copied and sent to the federal reserve so they can keep them on file. In this they now can identify most americans through their signature and match it up to a fingerprint.
"!Ama Sua, Ama Kjella, Ama Lllulla!"