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Old 02-03-2006, 12:11 AM   #16
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Re: Sheet of plywood in the back of a Blazer?

Hey Bouncytruck, I'm actually in Kenmore, so we're practically neighbors!

I'm looking to spend as little as possible, but that's relative isn't it? I've seen a couple around here for 4k+ lately, but I'm not ready to buy just yet. I'm in "reasearch\$aving" mode right now, just stacking cash and learning as much as I can until the right one comes along. A while back I saw one at some car dealer for 9k. It looked really nice from the pics, but that's a bit rich for me.

I don't really want to pay extra money for something with a huge lift kit, big tires, and whatever other 4 wheelin accessories that somebody has put on it. Nothing wrong with that stuff, I just like a more stock look and would probably remove those things anyway. However, I would pay more for little or no rust.

Convincing my wife what something like this is worth is another story. Everytime I show her one that I've found she still asks about the "blue book value".

Medicineman - I guess that salt is not a problem here, at least close to the Sound. I don't know about up in the mountains where it snows more. I thought I knew a lot about cars, who made what model when, etc. When I moved here from MO I was amazed at all of the old cars here that didn't rust away. I never knew that not all Volvos before '98 were square!

Thanks again for all the answers about hauling stuff! I really didn't want to get a truck instead of a Blazer!

Last edited by pmpski_1; 02-03-2006 at 12:13 AM.
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