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Old 02-04-2006, 02:56 AM   #23
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Re: Do you think it's a record???????

Originally Posted by vtblazer
At least weld the nut so it would need to be ground off.
Did that very thing to my winch bolts.
See, I'm not a theif (In fact, I'm quite pissed that some asshole just stole my receiver hitch and a brand new 2 5/16" ball off my buddies truck) but I understand all too well that someone who wants something bad enough will get it.

Truth betold, when factory tow hooks get $590 a pair, some theif is going to realize that the price of a small Oxy/Acetyl setup and tanks is chump change when you could get more than half a grand for what you can cut off a truck in less than a minute. Thieves will get what they want if they want it bad enough, and it doesn't take much to take off tow hooks. A small weld bead might slow someone down but for a determined person, probably not very long.

I drive old ****, and have for a quite a while. I think a better defense against thieves is to pay $20 for a pair of new, painted or chrome napa tow hooks, and to only put the $590 pair on for car shows where some vintage freak might actually notice the difference
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