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Old 02-05-2006, 11:18 PM   #7
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Re: question - 87 V20 TBI - fuel injectors normal?

You should see spray from both injectors. You can use a timing light to see the pulse as the ecm actually pulses the injectors. Air tubes are just emissions extra's. The ecm controls the divertor valve...disconnecting the valve will not set a light. Emissions can be a requirement depending on your states requirements and it will not hurt performance if hooked up and working.

Two things you will need to make it run properly is a oxygen sensor and a working vehicle speed sensor. O2 sensors make a small amount (Millivolts) of electricity the ecm uses to add or delete fuel (rich-lean). Very important.
I ran a howell harness with my 79 K5...and there 2 pulse vss that screws on at your transfer case. An 87 will have a green box behind the instrument cluster that was used as a will need a scanner or a laptop with win aldl so you can drive it and ensure that it is seeing vehicle speed input. I am assuming you are running a complete 87 V20 or is this a 87 V20 harness and motor in an older truck?

My first swap i did a stock 79 crate motor..i added a redrilled tbi intake and learned two lessons...timing was set to allmost 12 degree's advanced...and i removed the stock fpr and turned the nut counter clockwise about 3 turns to bump the fuel psi up and man alive did she run good. Ran 2 cats with no air pump and it ran so clean thru az emissions you'd think it wasn't running.

Without being there its hard to diagnose correctly what is going on. But having an operational vss...o2 sensor...and a correct 195 degree t-stat is essential to get her torun as designed. Headers are great but a sealing nightmare plus they the collector sits damn near on top of front spring shackles...something i never liked. A set of factory manifolds can be had at autozone for around $100 a side...the nice thing is the drivers side allready has a port for an o2 sensor. Careful when shopping for used manifolds...allways remove the shielding from the right would be amazed how many hide a crack...

Doug Wright aka K5NUTT over
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Certified K5 Nut
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