Thread: battery dying
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Old 02-06-2006, 01:15 AM   #12
Msgt USAF Ret

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Re: battery dying

67 Fleet I remember when you posted this a while back and you said you had a drain and you said you remembered you had put on a different steering wheel and the horn was grounded. You also said you bet we couldn't have diagnosed that. I almost replied that your horn relay was energized and causing the draw on the battery. I thought you had the problem solved so I didn't post back. As you can see it didn't take long for the guys on here to figure it out.
Now your horn button wire is a ground wire and normally wouldn't draw any current but it is hooked to the horn relay and when it grounds it energizes the coil on the relay and causes a draw similar to an interior light, which will drain a battery in afew hours. You would notice it quick because the horn would blow unless you disconnected it but the relay is still energized and drawing juice. So disconnect the relay plug until you get the horn button fixed as the other guys advised.
Remember this post:

Re: Truck died


Well, I isolated the problem. Pulled off the negative cable to battery & hooked up my test light lead to the (-) terminal. Put the test probe through a hole in the frame and it lit right up like a christmas tree. OK, so I've got a draw somewhere. First thing I checked luckily was the culprit. I remembered a few weeks ago that when I was working on my steering column that when I put the wheel back on the horn was blowing. I disconnected it at the horn cuz I wanted to get the truck on the road. Well, that was a big mistake. I have a Grant GT wheel and when I disassembled it I must have lost the o-ring that keeps the little spring from grounding out. Now I'm going to have to jury rig something to get that to work again. At least the problem is diagnosed, now I just have to fix it!! (see I bet you guys would have never guessed this one!!)

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