let me try and get to all the questions.
jkade, I have not offically added up the cost. Took me 1yr to do. I started with a $175 dollor 'running when pulled' complete 454. I had a friend in the biz do the long block for me. New pistons/rings, heads rebuilt w/new everything, Add the EFI($2200), heders,ignition,flywheel/clutch,engine mounts, etc.... I would guess I am around $5K & 1yr or so. My original plan was to spend about $3K and two months
71RestoRod, I am going off what the EFI tech told me. He said within 10kmiles at that A/F ratio I would have burnt the valves. After the first run on the Dyno he jumped out of my truck WOW it is running WAY TOO LEAN!
I can't say for sure how they hooked up to get the A/F reading..didn't even think to ask?
Captkos, for the time I had, that is what I ended up with. The Edelbrock MPFI computer, according to the EFI tech, is 'old school' and not that easy to adjust. He said the Holly Comander 950 MPFI computer is way easier and way less time consuming to get EVERYTHING adjusted perfect.
The Edelbrock A/F is displayed by a L.E.D. on the handheld 'brick' computer. Green/Orange/Red are the colors the LED changes...so not as great as an actual A/F guage...kinda like an idiot light for A/F ratio hahahaa. So it takes alot of time to get the Edelbrock to be perfect. Hell my 454 runs like a champ so I'll just leaveit like it is.
70rs/ss, could be? Duno for sure. The Tri-Y design is only for low RPM applications and this may very well be the reason why! Good point. For me I am cool with that cuse I don't spend much time pass 3500rpm anyway. The nice and flat torque curve is what I was after when I started this build up. About 340Ft/Lbs just off idel
FrenchBlue72, Thanks
Bowtie67, The EFI Tech recomended I put a second bung in my exhaust and add a A/F guage. He showed me a digitail one that has a LED swing or fan type guage on it with a ratio read out..Very nice...VERY Pricey like $400bucks

I may add one down the road but I be broke fer now...
The 30% was a guess, some of my 4x4 buddies suggested 30% (most common % I guess)...I have no clue how to accuretly figure out the loss %age? I have a SM465 w/NP205 (both stock). I did put in a big 30lbs flywheel.
The Holly computer for EFI is suppost to be way better for tuning. Edelbrock wirks great too just takes more time to tune and learn..once you are past that then yer good togo

I just wanted to use this smily hahaha
Yukon Jack, Yes sir

I am lovin it. Wouldn't hurt, have it tuned while your there too...assuming you have a place nearby you can take your truck to.
Thanks for all the comments and good vibes!