Thread: BB Heater Hoses
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:52 PM   #1
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BB Heater Hoses

I have a 71 SWB BB with ac. The large heater hose is connected to the radiator on the passenger side top. This hose is very close to the ac compressor clutch and belt and looks like it could rub. After reading the attached post, I am a little confused and have a question. Assuming the picture of the BB heater hose routing is correct, why would GM place the connection on the radiator when there is provision to route under the ac compressor to the water pump? GM usually took the safe route. Is there a way to prevent the hose from hitting the ac clutch and not kink the hose at the radiator?

My 68 camaro BB is routed to the water pump and the heater works fine.
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