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Old 02-08-2006, 12:33 PM   #6
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Re: Building a frame table/Jig table...

Originally Posted by Rokcrln
I am getting ready to build a frame table for my shop. I build alot of roll cages and some tube chassie rock crawler/ dune buggys. Now I need to build a new frame (back half) for my 71 SWB 2wd and figured it is about time I spend the money and time to build a table to do this work on.

I am planning on using 4" H-beam 13lbs steel for the main table with H-beam cross suports as well. I have seen a few built out of tube but for me it would be nice to have the entire edge for clamping your work down to. The table will be aprx 15' x 40" and I have not yet figured out how high I want it. It will have good casters on it to move it around but also have adjustable feet to lock it in place and level it out.

What do you guys think that have worked on them before? Any other ideas I have not thought of or other things to work into the design? Any pic's would be nice as well.

Thanks for any input you may have.

I just checked out your profile and I noticed that your into VW's. My first car was a 66 Fast back. Then I picked up a 57 oval form some guys orchard. I did a pan up resto and when I was finished I had a 2016 with CB fuel injection with a TO4. My fastest et was 12.6 with street tires. Where is winters near? I've never heard of it. I think I already talked to you over email because I saw the orange C-10. I also built a custom intake and intercooler system for a 65 bug with a 2332 that's running a custom EFI system. That thing is in the mid to low 11's once he get's it dialed in.

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Last edited by valleycustom; 02-08-2006 at 12:43 PM.
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