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Old 02-08-2006, 03:09 PM   #6
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Re: Free 72ish instrument panel

First email from him made me think it was coming to me, then, I don't know what happened but he sent me this today....

Sorry, I neglect to check my email often enough. I will keep your email
address for a while just in case, but someone already got to the cluster
earlier and has a check in mail. My brother handles these things for me
sometimes and I didn't know he had already had it taken care of. If for
some reason the check doens't arrive to me and he backs out, I will let you
know at once. Sorry for any inconvenience or raised hopes.

It was free so I guess I can't complain even though......... oh well...
"A cat will almost always blink when hit between the eyes with a ball peen hammer"
(you don't always have to state the obvious)

Wear your PPE! You can eat with false teeth but you can't see with a false eye.

1959 Studebaker Silverhawk 350/400
1972 C10 L6 3OTT
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