Re: in over my head?
All spoken like true restores!!
Abraham Lincoln said "Listen and heed the advise of your elders, the wisdom they share with you came to them at great expence, but comes absolutly and fruitfully free to you"
Not necessarly "elders" but those of us that have had our minds in the gutter like yours as we stared at our projects. The key is EXACTLY what all these guys are saying - take each little project from A-Z, drive it as often as you can.. and never, i repeat never, let it beat you.. That truck will be your best friend if you take control... It'll be your worst enemy if you let it have control... Ask any of these fellows they will tell you the same...
You take that one cab corner- you research it, you go to a body shop and ask questions, you try it, and try it again, and again-- until its right.. but when its finally right - let me tell you, the feeling you get,,,,,,,,it'll lead you to the next thing with 101 octane!! If it doesn't it never will and its just not in your blood.
Good luck to you
PS. I guaranty you that most of these guys would GIVE you parts rather than see you give up on it.