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Old 02-11-2006, 12:03 AM   #15
User #12137
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Re: aluminum radiator

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4
I am interested in the TPI set up. Do you have more info?
What is the number on the number on the ECM? It should be a seven digit number that starts with 122 or 161
Do you have all of the sensors? O2, knock, TPS, etc
Was it from an auto or manual car?
Is the harness in decent shape? Any wires cut off?
Do you have the realays that mounted to the firewall?
ok i traded for 3 of them and this is the 1 that is left
i will have to look at the ecm and get back at ya on that
i have no clue about the sensors ( i dont know much about this things )
i have no clue what car it came out of
the harness is in ok shape , there is a few wires that have been cut (i will get better picks of that tommarow )
sorry about not knowin much about this stuff
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