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Old 02-11-2006, 01:48 PM   #11
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Re: Project Jones--a different kind of build-up

Quick update-
I did some straightening up around the garage. See pics. Now all it needs is for my housemate to clean up his disaster area--which he said he would do, and for one of my old housemates to move his pool table and I'll have a shop! I'm also going to start looking for a cheap welder to do little projects--welding holes, making brackets etc...

AND, I figured out how I'm going to get my truck here: I'm going to drive it! How novel. I hired a friend to get it wired up and running, and then I'll spend a weekend or two tuning it--e.g. getting the brakes working, tweaking the engine, hooking up gauges etc and then I'm going to drive it down. I don't feel too great about having someone else do the finishing touch, but he does great work and at least when it gets here, I'll be able to drive it between projects and do the stuff I really enjoy: Paint and Body and modification for power.

The shop, getting there...

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Have mercy, I'm recovering from my 4x4 addiction.
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