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Old 02-11-2006, 07:41 PM   #14
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Re: Southern Kentucky Classic Suburban For Sale

Originally Posted by yellow69
The owners are members on the board. There up earlier in this thread. I'm not sure they sold it.
I think they sold it. I spoke to Richard? on the phone to tell him I wouldn't be coming down when I told him I would. He told me he had someone else coming that weekend to look at it, but no money yet. (Guess I should have offered up a deposit at that point, because I'm pretty sure I would have bought it.) I was kind of hoping that he was mixed up and that the "other person" he was referring to was actually me (I had scheduled to look at it through e-mail), but he called me back the following Tuesday and said it was gone.

Oh well, I'm sure somebody is enjoying it somewhere (or getting ready to).
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