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Old 02-12-2006, 12:42 PM   #1
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2wd's~Limited supply but large demand!

With all the 4wd blazers out their and so few 2wd why is it that more people do not convert the 4x's to 2x's? It would not be that much work and from what I remember the frames are just about the same. Swap over the body mount bushings, front X member and the rear trailing arms then do springs or bags and you are set. Then you can swap the tranny/t-case for a reular turbo 350 or AOD. Sure it would not be a "true 2wd" but who has keeped or would want to keep a true 2wd stock anyways?

Am I missing somthing or what? I figure with a 4x4 blazer and a rolling 2wd (long bed frame~ easy to find) it would take about 40 hours to do a correct convertion. Fromwhat I have seen rusted 2wd's selling for it would still be cheaper and you have a lot more to choise from.

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