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Old 02-12-2006, 01:19 PM   #5
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Re: Changing my 86 carb to 88 EFI, HELP!!!!!

EFI is a good way to go in these days of fuel crunch, however the basic TBI can be improved upon. There are companies that do make upgrades to the computer programming (Hypertech and Super Chips for example). I have a 91 truck with the TBI in it and I am going to change that out soon to a l-98 corvette TPI motor and intake. However, I definitely improved my TBI throttle response with an "Airaid" throttle body spacer, K&N fiter, and the MSD multi-spark setup, including coil, wires, 6AL unit, cap and rotor, Hypertech chip and a 180 degree T/stat. I realized a better response and better MPG.

As for adding value to your truck; Value is in the eye of the beholder---The truck will be better for you, but the gas prices and the market for older trucks will definitely hurt your drive for increased value. If you happen onto another avid trucking sole, when you want to sell your truck then you could possibly make out better than with a carb. Be sure you install the new setup in a clean professional way. Nothing hurts a sale more than a lot of scraggly wires and hoses hanging all over.

Last edited by piecesparts; 02-12-2006 at 01:20 PM.
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