Originally Posted by my new 72
OK, I don't mean to hijack, but I imagine this question could benefit both Andy and myself. When you say, "reverse rotation water pump", what exactly do you mean? A stock WP for these trucks turns clockwise, while a WP from a serpentine system turns counter clockwise. My question is, can a pump for the year vehicle the serp. system came from be used? Don't they both flow the same direction, just turn opposite ones?
The water flows the same direction, but the impeller inside is backwards.
Since the serpentine drives the water pump off of the back of the belt, it turns the oppsite direction as a normal pump does. GM just made a backwards impeller, so the water flows the same, but the pump turns backwards.
You just ask for a water pump for the year of serpentine brackets you're using. It will bolt right onto your earlier engine without mods.