Re: 2wd's~Limited supply but large demand!
Well here in Californina alot of guys would rather spend a good amount of money on a 2wd street toy that will stay nice and not just be a mall crawler. Don't get me wrong I love 4x4's but just a different style then most on this board. As far as a write up goes I will definalty do one if I come accross a good canidate. Or if some one wants one and already has the 4x4 but wants the street toy and they are in my area I will be more then happy to biuld one for them.
I have the shop, tools, skills and ideas for wild things but right now just not the time. I curently have a 68 crew cab 4x4 in the shop getting a full rebuild and upgrade as well as a fourth door! Also waiting in line is my 71 2wd SWB to get finished and a full tube chassie rock crawler 4x4. So as things clear up I will be out looking for a victom.