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Old 02-12-2006, 10:13 PM   #10
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Location: Carl Junction, Missouri
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Re: It's that time, what did you get done this weekend.

whipped out the th350 from the side of the garage, blew it off, washed it with the pressure washer, painted it the same red as the engine, put a new gasket and filter on it (found out the previous owner used royal purple fluid haha) and i'm waiting for my new chrome dipstick so i can finish her up. oh and i got a B&M drain plug for her while at o-reilys. that's going to make my life much easier.

also rebuilt the carb and got the red paint off the fins on my valve covers so the fins shine now. the new chrome pcv/breathers and oil fill caps are in the mail with the chrome dipsticks, thermostat housing, and also new chrome t-handle valve cover bolts. i found out the chrome altenator brackets i bought because i thought i needed them for headers and a short water pump wouldn't work??? so i used the stock piece after painting it. i got the intake painted silver annnnd the fan is painted but not on till i finish the power steering setup

Last edited by matthufham; 02-12-2006 at 10:30 PM.
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