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Old 02-12-2006, 10:36 PM   #5
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Re: Stock TH-350 kickdown bracket

Originally Posted by matthufham
ok i'm finally going to ask this. what's a kickdown? i have a 72 350 4bbl with a th350 and have not seen a kickdown anything for it. my carb has the part on the throttle linkage like the above pic has, but i was going to use it for my return spring coming from the back of the carb. i need some more info on this now.
The Kickdown cable or tv cable is a mechanical cable that pulls your transmission down to the next gear at WOT. If you hammering down the pavement in 3rd gear and you bend that throttle as far as you can it will pull the transmission into 2nd.

If you're in 2nd and hammer it you'll end up in first.

From your pictures you ain't got one hooked up.

What I have found is GM made ONE and only one kickdown cable for th350s. The only difference is the bracket in question in this thread. The 2bbl has one bracket, the 4bbl another.

In other words a bracket off a 4bbl car will work on your 4bbl truck. The 2bbl bracket off my Monte worked on my truck until I put a 4bbl on there.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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