So I have been very busy with work and school - I go to school M W F from 8-7 in a town about an hour away. I then work in a town the other direction 1/2 hour from home on T TH Sat Sun. I don't get days off.

But I did
get a promotion to PC Tech so now I'm making quite a bit more money. I sold my '76 Honda Civic CVCC Sation Wagon for $1500 so I have a down payment for a new vehicle - I'm looking for an '03 VW GTI VR6 but they are either way overpriced or very far away. We'll see what I end up with.
2 weeks ago I washed and waxed the truck. I hadn't washed it for months so the paint was oxidized. I used paint cleaner, polish, then wax and it came out great. Except for the hood but it was a POS that was damaged already.
Because of President's Day I had Friday off. Wooo hoo! But I spent all day working on the truck. he high beams stopped working and I had neglected an oil change - I was 3 months overdue! (but it was sitting for 2 1/2 months) I also finally installed the last dash billet piece that I got for Christmas and all the billet is finished! (Ok, so I haven't replaced the signal stalk one yet but I will soon) I also installed foglights. When I was fixing my headlights, one of the main power wire to the relay had broke off - no wonder they weren't working! Then I also found that the main ground wire for the truck had also broke off. I fixed that. Now my DRL module is wacko and stays on even when the truck is off AND when I pull the ground wire.

WTF? I think the module must have died. I also flushed the brake system and replace my black and flaky brake fluid with some new stuff. That made a HUGE difference in the brakes. My dad had never replaced the fluid and he had had it for 9 years before me.

But then the elbow/check valve mounted on the brake booster snapped off. It was at 12 midnight so no parts stores were open. I went to kragen the next moring and they told me they don't carry it!!!! So because it was the weekend, the dealers parts dept. was closed. I ran around with manual brake all weekend. That sucked!!!! My leg hurt. Monday I went to the dealer and they don't carry it either!!! I had to go to pick-n-pull and grabbed 3. They guy let me have them!
BTW I know, I know, thi thread is worthless without pics, I will get them soon! I will do more to the truck on Monday, which is a holiday too!
OK - Here are Some pics! (Very quick ones)
I don't know if I ever got a pic of my tranny temp gauge installed so here it is:
I installed foglight - I need the extra light when in the fog - it gets foggy here very often. I used my dremel (love my dremels - how can ou live without the little suckers?) and notched the airdam next to the holes already in the bumper.
Went to Yosemite recently in my friend's '06 Impala SS, damn that car is fast AND gets 28mpg! He got a ticket on the way home... I laughed, he had it coming.
Also, the obligatory shot of Half-dome, I'm lucky I only live about 2 hours away from Yosemite.