Thread: Header Advice ?
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:05 AM   #5
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Re: Header Advice ?

Originally Posted by special-K
Budbeater,describe what you had to do.The only time I put headers on a manual 4wd(`71),I had to relocate one of the arms on the clutch z-bar.I`m still unclear if there`s a bolt-on header set for thisapplication.I want to put them on my`72 Highlander w/400.
I just ordered the correct part number (Hooker) through summitt racing. They are a 1 5/8 primary/3" collector with inside/outside ceramic coating. They fit fine, but I did have to undo the shift linkage from the frame during the driver side install. It has plenty of clearance around the block, and they tuck up well for ground clearance. The real PITA was the driver side bolt closest to the firewall. It liked to bump the points of the hex head against the tube as it was being turned. The block sits very close to the firewall so it was fun fitting my thick forearms up there to get it in. I finally used a crows foot wrench to get it in and it went quickly then. All in all it was much simpler than installing the headers in my 95 Trans Am.

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