Re: Just how bad are the brakes of 67-70's c10?
When my 70 was on the road, it work just fine. Manual 4wheel drums. The big key is keeping them adjusted. Some disc systems are better (I do not put the 88-98 GM truck brakes in this category), but if you know your vehicle you'll have no problem living with 4 wheel drums. I definitely recommend adding the power booster. To me that was a HUGE improvement. Discs will be nice, but I have not done the change to discs mainly because I want to retain the 6 bolt wheels (and am tooo cheap to buy the aftermarket conversion). With the 73-87 (or 71-72) parts, it is a very easy upgrade and if you have the parts you will definitely seem an improvement. The advantaged of using the 73-87 frontend is the replacement parts are much cheaper.
Last edited by Palf70Step; 02-18-2006 at 09:27 AM.