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Old 09-23-2002, 03:16 AM   #4
Hillbilly Hotrod
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Oregon
Posts: 69
To remove the rotor.
raise front and set on jackstands.
Remove wheel and the brake caliper.
Remove the lockouts(autohubs)
Using a spindle socket remove the lock nut.
Then remove the lock ring and adjusting nut.
Pull the rotor and hub assembly off the spindle.
Now would be a good time to remove the spindle and replace the axleshaft u-joints as well.
That is a breif summery of what it entails.
The spindle socket is the only special tool there is.
Other than a basic tool set.
Torx bits for the lockout screws.
snap ring pliers.
a pick.
A decent repair manual would explain it all in detail.
The haynes manual I have has a good breakdown of it.
69 K5, .060 over 350/465/205.
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