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Old 02-19-2006, 02:03 PM   #26
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Re: Just how bad are the brakes of 67-70's c10?

Originally Posted by 76bonanza
If you use a dual diafram booster like off a 3/4 or 1 ton the drums are fine I can bald my tires stopping with 4 drums.
What's the difference with these brakes? As far as master cylinders and under the hood? I know the drums are bigger. Most 3/4's I've seen looked very similar to half tons under the hood. And Most 3/4 I see in the boneyards are stripped down with 6cy and 4speeds.
I might have some wood in the back, and a occasionaly truck bed trailer behind it but that's it. No mountains in Oklahoma and me and my truck will be staying far away from brokeback mountain(jking).

I was thinking of adding powerbrakes for now. It's seems like that will be a big help..
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