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Old 02-19-2006, 11:44 PM   #11
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Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!

Another day down! Today was spent building a new driver side "B" post, door strike, door strike jamb area and mounting plate. In order to make this crewcab look factory once it is completed I had to match the passenger side "B" post and related items. It is a major difference between the two sides of a burb. Their was alot of thought that went into making a third door work properly. This means a good bit of one off parts to make a fourth door work as well.

First thing I had to do was rebuild the jamb (parts came from the donor truck extd56 picked up for this project) are for the new strike plate. If you notice the strike plate on a stock drivers side is at a slite slant and the pass side is vertical. This is done so the third door hinge's can mount to a flat surface and not interfear with the front door strike. Then I made the new strike to a mirror image of the pass side and it took 3 strike plate to built this one. Next I modified a stock drivers side nut plate for the strike to bolt to. Last thing before closing things up was to build a mounting plate retainer since you will not be able to get to the nut plate like you can on a pick up.

Once all that was finished up I started on the new "B" post it self. I am using 18ga steel to fill in between the two jambs. It extendes 2" into the post and will have a second plate on the out side once the entire post is fabricated.

Hope you enjoy the pic's

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Last edited by Rokcrln; 10-11-2007 at 11:12 PM.
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