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Old 02-20-2006, 02:06 AM   #2
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Re: Edelbrock Adjustment Help....

The following link has some helpful pictures of where the hoses from the charcoal canister go, in case you decide to connect them up.

I have an Edelbrock Performer carburetor, and I connected the hoses as follows:

-Manifold vacuum port to distributor vacuum advance
-Timed vacuum port to "carb" port on charcoal canister
-PCV port to PCV valve & tee to "vent" port on charcoal canister
-"tank" port on charcoal canister to gas tank vent

Before I hooked up the hoses to the charcoal canister, my garage always reeked of gas fumes. Now I can't smell any fumes at all.

The following link has some good instructions for using a vacuum gauge to adjust the idle mixture screws (scroll down to the bottom):

I live at sea level, and the stock jets and metering rods/springs work fine. I lived in Colorado for eight years and I had to lean down the carburetor quite a bit to get it to run right.
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Last edited by pjmoreland; 02-20-2006 at 02:08 AM.
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