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Old 02-24-2006, 09:48 PM   #2
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: 71 C20 Parking Brake Cables

Welcome to the board!

I would go to NAPA personally, call it a GMC instead of a chevy, and when they ask about the rear, just say with a dana rear. You could remove the bad one and carry it in so you can match it up (assuming they'd have it on hand, which, they may)
I have been told that if you live in a major city, to just look up cables in the yellow pages... never tried it myself, but it might be worth a try. They can fab one up using your old one as a template.

And going through all this trouble, you oughta replace all the cables, this way it'll be 2035 before you need to worry about it again. And by then the question will be ablut the hovercraft conversion. (weren't we saying that in the 80's about today)?

Also... LMC is not exactly the best place to deal with. They are over priced, and have a bad track record. You'd probably order a cable, get charged for an engine, and recieve a wing nut.
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