Thread: Vin # ?
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Old 02-27-2006, 10:09 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
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Re: Vin # ?

Well..the vins typically start with a C for 2 wd and a K for there are exceptions with special orders and such...but one other thing is in 1972 they vins started with C to mean Chev and a T for a 72 4x4 gmc vin would start TKE242***** for example being referred would be a GMC, 4x4, 8 cyl, 3/4, box style, 1972 pickup.

If I've been reading your posts correct I think your swapping 71 it will just start with a K on a 4x4 or a 2wd will
start with a C as such for 1971.
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