Thread: Vin # ?
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Old 02-27-2006, 02:17 PM   #6
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Re: Vin # ?

Originally Posted by al's71gmc
Does the vin tell wether it's a 2wd or 4wd? I'm wondering how to title/register/insure my son's project, when we put the 2wd body on the 4wd frame. Anyone have any expierience with this?
I own a 1970 "C" cab and box on a 1971 "K" chassis.

When the guy who did the work finished the job he went to the Wyoming DMV where they used the "K" number.

I'm three owners and two states away from that job. The guy I bought it from is a good friend who was handed a pack of paper when he bought the truck out there. It contained photocopies of ALL versions of BOTH titles. When we got the truck here (Minnesota) he handed me the pack of paper.

This pack of paper was a big help.

They ran both VINs to check for stolen vehicles. They also inspected the truck where I showed them the B-pillar "C" VIN and the partial "K" VIN on the left frame rail which matched the "K" title I had a photo copy of.

The MN DMV elected to title it as a "C" because that is what the cop would most easily see when looking at the VIN. Every time I post this information somebody chimes in and says,
"Oh yeah?!? Well screw the DMV"
But remember posession of a stolen vehicle is a felony. Do it right the first time and be done with it.
Personally I don't care what the title says, as long as it is legal. If I ever sell my truck it will come with a legal MN title.

To make a really long story short, as others have pointed out, check with YOUR DMV.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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