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Old 02-27-2006, 08:01 PM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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67/68 chevy horn button (non CST) for sale

Please excuse the crappy picture, my digi cam is about to get chucked out the window.

This horn button is in pretty good shape. not restoration quality, however, very nice for a daily driver. The rubber on the back side is in awsome shape with no dry rotting or cracks or anything like that. On the surface, there is a scratch in the 8 O'clock position, I would call it a scuff, but it is minor.
The chrome looks great, and even though the picture makes the chrome look bad, anyone who has tried to take pics of chrome, knows what a pain it is.
All in all, I would give this an 8 or so out of 10.

$15 shipped to your door. private messages nor E-mails to try and buy.
I accept money order, personal check, and I'll take cash, but I prefer not to.
No pay pal or any cool online digital payment.
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