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Old 03-01-2006, 12:59 AM   #19
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Re: He's gonna get a Chevy!

Originally Posted by evan
What would you do differently?
I paid a premium price ($3500) for a very clean silverado. I wanted one that I could begin driving daily right away. I wanted one that was relatively unmolested, meaning that it was still stock.

What I have realized since then is that, due to its age, everything is worn out on the truck. The truck has been broken down all the time, and I am replacing everything anyway. I might as well have bought one that was rough, but rust free. They are easy to come by here in South Texas. That would have left me a lot more money to replace all the stuff that I have replaced anyway.

I stripped the old 305 down to a shortblock and put new cam, lifters, pushods, fuel pump, water pump and all the little stuff in it. I just finished replacing it with a crate engine.

I have done a complete rebuild of the front end. I have had the transmission out once for a seal job, then again for a rebuild last year. I have nearly completely rebuilt the A/C system. I have new springs for the rear to install, and a new grill. I have recovered the seat.

The rear end leaks now, and it needs a new carb. It needs carpet. It needs all new rubber in the cab. It needs new exhaust. The paint does not shine any more (it was bad when I got it, and it didn't get any better). It just goes on and on...

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado
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