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Old 03-03-2006, 04:24 AM   #8
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Re: This doesn't look good...

I hope you are going to pull that motor down all the way...i'll bet there is metal in the pump and all the oiling galleys throughout the block....

Years back i had just converted the chalet to FI and had cruised down to the gas station to fill her up for the first time. After i departed the station i hit the freeway to run the 10 miles between the 3 exits for this Anyways while carefully monitoring my snap-on scanner by the time we had hit mile 5 we had issue's...the temp was up to 238...and i had to pull over and shut her down to cool the 400 down and limp home. Final report revealed that number 5 rod journal on the crank went a bad way...not your average a few thousands out casuing a was more like a gap the size of a bearing babit itself. Only thing i could figure was while living in az for 12 years that poor 400 got hot once or twice...

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