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Old 03-03-2006, 09:46 AM   #21
Ron 586
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Re: He's gonna get a Chevy!

Originally Posted by Slonaker
I paid a premium price ($3500) for a very clean silverado. I wanted one that I could begin driving daily right away. I wanted one that was relatively unmolested, meaning that it was still stock.

What I have realized since then is that, due to its age, everything is worn out on the truck. The truck has been broken down all the time, and I am replacing everything anyway. I might as well have bought one that was rough, but rust free. They are easy to come by here in South Texas. That would have left me a lot more money to replace all the stuff that I have replaced anyway.

I stripped the old 305 down to a shortblock and put new cam, lifters, pushods, fuel pump, water pump and all the little stuff in it. I just finished replacing it with a crate engine.

I have done a complete rebuild of the front end. I have had the transmission out once for a seal job, then again for a rebuild last year. I have nearly completely rebuilt the A/C system. I have new springs for the rear to install, and a new grill. I have recovered the seat.

The rear end leaks now, and it needs a new carb. It needs carpet. It needs all new rubber in the cab. It needs new exhaust. The paint does not shine any more (it was bad when I got it, and it didn't get any better). It just goes on and on...

Your post should be required reading for everyone thinking about getting into this hobby. What you have learned takes some a lifetime. Some never learn.
Ron (Mr Round Tuit)

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle

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