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Old 03-03-2006, 10:28 AM   #4
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Re: Looking for Appearance Tips

A company I used to work for got one of their trucks painted by Earl Scheib. There was not a shiny spot on the truck when they were done. I could have done a better job with spray cans. They also got paint on, chrome, headlights, taillights, tires.

I have known several people with cars painted at Maaco. Every one of them, including one I bought from a friend, had paint that would peel off at the car wash. It also faded quickly.

Those cheap places save money by using low quality materials, and by not doing the necessary prep work. I have known a few people who got decent paint jobs by using budget shops. They did all of the prep work like trim removal, sanding, and bodywork themselves, and paid the shop just to shoot the paint.

If you are able to do that stuff yourself, you might be able to get a half decent paint job on a budget. Don't expect the paint to look good for more than a year or two though unless you can get them to shoot good quality paint.

My truck had one of those cheap enamel jobs on it when I got it. It was pretty bad then, and gets worse every year. It isn't shiny at all. I call the color "blue suede" because it is blue and fuzzy.

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado
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