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Old 03-04-2006, 09:35 AM   #15
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Re: Thermostat sticking???

When the rad cap is on that is normal for the hoses to get stiff. The system will pressure up to whatever the rad cap is rated at. If you have a 16 lb cap then it will pressurize up to 16lbs then release. That is why it is nice to have a overflow bottle. Then when the pressure is released and your system needs more water it causes a vacumn and it pulls A/f out of the bottle and returns it to rad. I also do what green machine suggests by drilling the small hole in it.
Also masterbeavis is correct about silicone. Just clean everything very well and check thermostat housing for flatness. take housing over to vice and run a file over the mounting surface to check for flatness. Reinstall thermostat, install gasket(dry) install housing. You wouldn't believe how many times i see that in my business. Also the robertshaw balance thermostats are the best on the market. They flow more and are not as sensitve to gauge fluctuations.
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