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Old 03-05-2006, 02:38 PM   #7
Olden Days
Living In The Past
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Re: Copper header gaskets??

Originally Posted by grendel
Here's a question for you. Did you re-tighten after you warmed the motor up?

I use locking header bolts on mine.

Also, if the header flange isn't thich enough, it can warp. If warped, it won't seal.

Some guys will cut the thinner header flange for at each tube so it can "adjust" and seal better.
Flanges have been cut, I did that before I even installed them. No I didnt re tighten. I never got it hot. I ran it a a few seconds and turned it off and left the shop before I started throwing things. That was the second attempt. I used to have success doubling the header gaskets, so I did that with the regular style first and it helped a little but not enough so I took them out and tried the copper gasket.
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