Re: Anyone put LED BULBS in the Dash Cluster yet?
Robz- The biggest problem I see is that it's a range issue in the design of the switch (potentiometer). If you place a resistor before the switch, you still have the same range, just at a higher resistance which is cutting the power to the LEDs. It was this lack of range that I had a problem with. I just did not have a large enough range to provide a high enough amount of resistance to dim the LEDs adequately and provide a low enough resistance to achieve full brightness. For 2 5MM LEDs running off 12v with a 3.6v drop across the LED, the resistor value required is 270 ohms. If your maximum brightness setting on your switch is higher than 270 ohms after you wire in a resistor, you will not be using your LEDs at maximum brightness. When I was doing this to my truck, I had all the specs for the dimmer resistance and such but it was so long ago, I've forgotten. If you find to have the same problem and want a range of dimming capabilities, to keep with a stock look you could hide the potentiometer somewhere like in the ashtray or such.
I've never had or heard of a problem with heat and resistors. Capacitors and voltage regulators, yes. If you do find it to be a problem, you could get yourself a project box to place a board in with your resistor(s) on it and get yourself a small heatsink.
I was afraid of that. THe thought sounded good to me at the time. I don't have a problem with a second potentiometer, just where I might put it. I can hide it if I need to. Just need to get some LED's and start tinkering...
Rob Z.
1975 K5 350/465/205/D44/12b 4" lift on 35's- RIP
1991 K5 8.1L/NV4500/241/D44/14b FWC Camper